North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) recovery strategy: chapter 2

Table 1: Schedule of studies for North Atlantic right whales in Canadian waters to target knowledge gaps on habitat requirements

Table 2: List of general indicators of progress to assist in determining the extent that recovery is being achieved. Each set of indicators corresponds to a specific recovery objective for North Atlantic right whales in Canadian waters

Figure 1: Western Atlantic range and present day distribution of the North Atlantic right whale. Critical habitat areas in U.S. waters are those areas formally designated under the  U.S. Endangered Species Act

Figure 2: Canadian range of the North Atlantic right whale: 1951-2005. This map is based on individual right whale sightings from the North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium 1951-2005, the St. Andrews Biological Station whale sightings database 1992-2005 and the DFO Newfoundland Region whale sighting database 1975-2003.  Dots indicate North Atlantic right whale sightings (with U.S. waters data removed) and the red dotted lines are the boundaries of the exclusive economic zone of Canada, the United States and St. Pierre and Miquelon (France)

Figure 3: Schematic depicting an adult and calf North Atlantic right whale and key physical features

Figure 4: Boundary of North Atlantic right whale SARA Critical Habitat for Grand Manan Basin

Figure 5: Boundaries of North Atlantic right whale SARA Critical Habitat for Roseway Basin

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