Athabasca thrift (Armeria maritima) COSEWIC assessment and status report: chapter 15


George Bihun, Conservation Officer, Saskatchewan Environment and Resources Management, Stony Rapids, Saskatchewan, provided important insights based on his personal experience in the Athabasca sand dunes and specific comments on limiting factors.

C.C. Chinnappa, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, provided an update on current botanical activities in the Athabasca sand dunes.

Vemon L. Harms, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, provided very useful information on species status in the Athabasca sand dunes.

Sheila Lamont, Botanist, Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre, Regina, Saskatchewan, put me into contact with knowledgeable individuals.

Bret G. Purdy, Inter-Theme Research Coordinator, Sustainable Forest Management Network, University of Alberta, Edmonton, provided me with information on current research and economic activities in the Athabasca sand dunes.

Kay Rogers, Ottawa, Ontario, visitor to the Athabasca Sand Dune region in 1997.

Earl Wiltse, Provincial Endangered Wildlife Specialist, Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management, Regina, Saskatchewan, provided names of knowledgeable individuals.

Funding for this status report was provided by the Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada.

Literature Cited

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Abouguendia, Z.M., R.C. Goodwin, V.L. Harms, J.H. Hudson, J.S. Rowe, and R. Wright. 1981. Plant Ecology and Taxonomy, pp. 155-199, in: Abouguendia, Z.M. (ed.). 1981, Athabasca Sand Dunes in Saskatchewan. Mackenzie River Basin Study Report Supplement 7. Mackenzie River Basin Committee.

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