Naseux de Nooksack (Rhinichthys cataractae) programme de rétablissement : chapitre 6

5. Références

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Autres documents pertinents

Pearson, M. P. (1998). A review of the distribution, status, and biology of the endangered Salish sucker (Catostomus sp.) and Nooksack dace (Rhinichthys sp.). Vancouver, B.C. Ministry of Fisheries.

Pearson, M. P. (1998). Habitat inventory and enhancement needs for the endangered Salish sucker (Catostomus sp.) and Nooksack dace (Rhinichthys sp.). Vancouver, BC Ministry of Fisheries Project Report No. 76.

Pearson, M. P. (2000). The biology and managment of Salish sucker and Nooksack dace. The biology and management of species and habitats at risk, Kamloops, B.C., B.C. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, Victoria and University College of the Cariboo, Kamloops.

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